Gene description for H2BC3
Gene name H2B clustered histone 3
Gene symbol H2BC3
Other names/aliases H2B.1
Species Homo sapiens
 Experiment description of studies that identified H2BC3 in Neuroblastoma cells

Experiment ID556
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeExosomes/Membrane vesicles
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 24069378   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionProteome profiling of neuroblastoma-derived exosomes reveal the expression of proteins potentially involved in tumor progression.
AuthorsMarimpietri D, Petretto A, Raffaghello L, Pezzolo A, Gagliani C, Tacchetti C, Mauri P, Melioli G, Pistoia V.
Journal name PLoS One
Publication year2013
SampleNeuroblastoma cells
Sample name HTLA-230
Isolation/purification methods-
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyMass spectrometry
EV-TRACK EV130101: EV-METRIC:38%, 14%
